About Service

This service is provided to investors interested in the continuity of their projects without making any modifications in the license (such as changing the location-expansion-changing activity – adding activity)


1. Register as a customer (If not registered)

2. Customers apply the online service with all required documents.

3. Customer service officer reviews the application, confirms that all the correct documents are attached, and request for any missing documents from the applicant, if applicable.

4. Customer service officer forwards the service to the environmental inspectors.

5. The inspector will visit the customer site, review the submitted application and documents, and prepare the inspection report with photo evidence in the system.

6. The environmental specialist will review the submitted reports, place comments, recommendations, if the request is rejected by the environmental specialist, a message will automatically get sent to the customer with comments, if the request is approved by environmental specialist, it will be forward to section head for final decision.

7. If the section head reject the request, a message will automatically get sent to the customer with comments, if the request is approved or approved with the conditions by section head, the system will generate the payment notification based on activities.

8. Customer pays the amount online or at the cashier.

9. The system generate a message with environmental license or renewal letter to the Municipalities .

Required Documents

List of implemented projects (For all contractors).

List of vehicles registered with the license from Traffic (companies deal with water or petroleum products).

A valid certificate of conformity from Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology (For companies dealing with petroleum products)

Valid petroleum supplier contract (for petroleum activities).

Valid water supply contract (for water activities).

Provide an annual report for air quality monitoring and waste manegment (quantity and quality) and attach the documents


Terms of Service

1. The company shall not make any modifications or additions to the project previously approved by the Fujairah Environment Authority

2. Comply with all the provisions and regulations of the Federal Law No. (24) of 1999 for the protection and development of the environment, and local environmental laws.

3. The company have own diesel tank must have the valid approval from Fujairah environmental authorities.

4. The company have own water tanker must have the valid approval from Fujairah environmental authorities for tanker.

5. The company dealing with water must have a valid contract with the water supplier.


Fees Catagory Amount
RED Categary A 5000
RED Categary B 4000
RED Categary C 3000
Yellow Category A 2000
Yellow Category B 1000
Yellow Category C 500
Green Category A 400
Green Category B 300
Green Category C 200


from 1 - 7 working days

Working Hours

Monday – Thursday : 07:30 Am – 03:30 Pm
Friday : 07:30 Am – 12:00 Pm




